
Internet explorer 9
Internet explorer 9


So, no matter how many times the IE team jump up and down and say “look at all our neat new features,” without mentioning the standard features left unimplemented because they pulled off numerous miracles just making what they have work, the response has to be “nothing to see here, folks move along.” And move along we shall.The long awaited Internet Explorer 9 follows its predecessors with pride and brings various improvements in speed and engine. Doing anything “risky” is simply politically (and legally, really) impossible. Innovation isn’t as important to the bean-counters as “maintaining and enhancing shareholder value,” and MSFT have had enough problems with that lately. And, with the system the way it is, they’d be perfectly right to.


Unfortunately for all of us, Windows and Office for Windows are the herds of cash cows for Microsoft, and anything that could be seen as even potentially disrupting that would get shot down faster than you can say S-E-C the investors would never stand for it. Microsoft do some amazing things - just not so much for (or on) Windows. That isn’t sour grapes or a diss against the IE developers it’s simple reality. Don’t hold your breath waiting for that to happen. Their baby is blowing up the Web left and right they know it, and they know they can’t do a damned thing about it without staging a coup d’état, replacing dozens of levels of management and senior executives and fundamentally changing the culture of the organisation. The developers at Microsoft are (with rare exception) not morons, but living in the sewer while they’re trying to make something that can stand next to the shiny new browsers next door has to be a psychologically toxic exercise. That was done initially by design now, it doesn’t matter how altruistic the intentions of the team are, they have to live with the codebase they have.

internet explorer 9


They’ve got a code base where the list of major Windows modules and subsystems that do not have dependency relationships with IE could be read aloud comfortably in a single breath. They’re fully experienced with the reality that complete green-field rewrites of existing projects almost never succeed. I firmly believe that IE hasn’t progressed as far as, say, Chromium, can be laid firmly at the feet of Microsoft’s existing code base. However, without monumental additional time and budget resources, no attempt will be made to provide IE support when those resources could instead be used to improve the experience for users of modern browsers.” To the degree that any particular release of Microsoft Internet Exploder supports the markup, styling and behaviour of any particular site, that’s well and good.


We as development professionals need to have the professional self-respect to tell current and potential clients, “We develop to current Web standards that are supported across various browsers and platforms. Let me be clear I’m not in any way praising IE the industry as a whole needs to bury it - decisively, irretrievably and imminently. TechnologyĪctually, I’m amazed that it’s progressed as much as it has. The rest of unsupported technologies are summarized in the final entry in the table. Everything that IE9 supports is, to the best of my knowledge, listed here. The list doesn’t include every new technology or enhancement, because some of it is still fairly obscure. …and Related Technologiesīelow is a list of technologies, APIs and other goodies that may or may not be part of the HTML5 spec, but have been placed under the HTML5 umbrella as “related technologies”.


UPDATE (March 15/2011): IE9 is now officially released, and the IE9 Developer Guide now has some updates, which I’ve included in this chart, so some of the notes above no longer apply. * Evidently, the only new form enhancement supported by IE9 Beta is the autocomplete attribute, supported since IE7. The info for the charts was compiled from this page on MSDN, the super-useful When Can I Use… app, and this layout engine comparison of HTML5 features on Wikipedia. And as one commenter on the previous post pointed out, IE9 is still in Beta, so no need to get too distressed about anything not supported.Īs usual, let me know in the comments if any of this is incorrect or if anything’s missing.

internet explorer 9 internet explorer 9

My personal assessment is that IE9 is doing much better with CSS3 support than it is in HTML5, so don’t expect to be happy with the overall results shown in these charts. The first covers the new HTML5 markup elements, and the second covers the APIs and other stuff. This post will consider the extent of IE9 support for HTML5 and related technologies. Last week I posted a chart that listed support for CSS3 features in IE9.

Internet explorer 9